Weddings and civil partnerships
I believe that a wedding ceremony should be unique, fun and representative of both partners – just like a good marriage!
That means remixing the parts of classic weddings which feel right for you, while junking the aspects which are only there because you feel like are supposed to do them.
A good ceremony has the couple's relationship at the centre of everything, so to prepare for the big day, it's good to reflect on what exactly yours is like. What are the hallmarks of your relationship? When did you know it was love? How have you tackled life's challenges together? This is often the best way to connect with the declaration of commitment you will be making in front of others.
And this is the other key part of a good ceremony: the people you have invited to celebrate with you. Whether it's a small, intimate affair, or you have a lot of friends and family to welcome, part of what makes weddings so special is the once-in-a-lifetime chance to have so many loved ones demonstrating their love for you and your relationship by supporting your commitment.
The energy on a wedding day is absolutely magical: the nervy thrill of the anticipation, the giddy rush at the ceremony, and the outpouring of emotion which follows. Whatever shape your ceremony ends up taking, I want to bring both as much fun and meaning as I can to your experience.
Do check out my practical details page to see how us working together will look in practice.
And if you're after something different...
...then let's go for it!
Perhaps you would like your ceremony conducted by a historical figure?
You might want to incorporate a tradition such as Celtic hand-fasting or Irish jumping the broom into your ceremony?
Or you might have a theme you're looking for the right celebrant to slot into?
Drop me a line and we can talk through what would make your day feel right for you!
The legal bit
Celebrants run celebratory events, but legal details need dealing with separately.
You’ll need a registration of marriage separate to your celebration. This often takes part at a Registry Office, and for many people, this is the legal part of them coming together (so no ring exchange or ceremonial aspects), leaving the way free for a big celebration at a location of their choice with me and their loved ones!
Because of this, it does mean that in a service with me we can't include words from a legally-binding ceremony. It also means I can’t offer my services at licensed venues. In practice these aren't big hurdles, but are important to know about!